Greetings Listers!
Sex sells. It’s a fact! Check this out… Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie or Star Jones and Al Reynolds… which one did you click on? Probably Brangelina huh? Point proven. But why are Americans obsessed with sex? In fact, why is the entire world so obsessed? Here’s some street magic for you: Ask people to create a list of their top 5 favorite things in the world, and (if they aren’t shy) I guarantee “sex” makes the list. Take that David Blaine! And the thing is, it doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, a teenager or old fart, or gay or straight. Maybe it has to do with the growing American obsession with weight, diets, health, and fitness? But doesn’t that stem from our society’s obsession over celebrities? Isn’t the sentiment “thin=sexy” drilled into our conscious by global media? Or is it the other way around? Or maybe it’s something else totally? Here are some facts you can’t deny:
- Do you want a flat tummy and washboard abs, or prefer a beer belly? Doubt you say beer belly.
- Which do you wish was your favorite fast food restaurant – Subway or McDonald’s? Probably Subway.
- Have you ever looked at a nude picture or celebrity sex tape online? C’mon, you know you have seen Pamela and Tommy Lee on that boat. Or Paris in the green light. Globally, internet porn is booming billion-dollar industry. It estimated that 100 million people every month visit porn websites, and 30% of them are women.
- Did you ever see Titanic, Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars? The sexiest celebrities draw the biggest box office movie-going crowds. Leo sold $1,835,300,000 worth of tickets to Titanic globally. Keira, Depp and Bloom made $2,600,000,000 for dressed as Pirates. Orlando and Viggo raked in $3 billion for The Lord of the Rings trilogy. And Ford, McGregor, Portman, and a golden-bikini created a worldwide Star Wars phenomenon. Hell, Jessica Alba is a valid movie star, and she can’t act at all.
- Did you read this entire newsletter? Do you usually read this entire newsletter?
Face it, most advertisements feature “sexy” models, not chubby couch potatoes. Sex sells, It’s a fact!
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